Laksa Series (Collab with 2mamasandawok)
Our first ever collaboration with with 2 Mamas and a Wok, maker of artisanal rempahs and sauces.
It took me time away from Singapore to appreciate our local delicacies. I am ashamed to admit that my palate when it came to local food was very limited during my time in Singapore. It was only when I was away did I really start missing our local delicacies. Maybe it was something about being away from home that made me truly see how special our local cuisine was. I never really ate laksa much prior to moving to Vancouver. It was only when a family friend would bring us out to eat Singapore cuisine in Vancouver did I really realize firstly how different the taste was and how much I have taken something that was previously so readily available for granted. My go to alternative was Prima’s Instant Laksa Noodles, which I must admit is a wonderful quick fix when I was abroad. I would always request my mother to stock up on Prima’s Laksa when she was visiting me.
Our laksa collection sprung out from our collaboration with 2 Mamas and a Wok. They make excellent artisanal laksa rempah, which we here at Eastfield fell in love with. We cooked up a pack during one of our pottery retreats and we cannot stop raving over how easy and fullproof it is to make up a bowl of laksa with it.
Sadly, our laksa collection is a limited edition series. The orange red glaze that we used has been phased out in our studio. It is a really unpopular glaze in our studio, Megan had previously made a piece that was so horrific that we were so put off by it. It was only upon starting this laksa series did we decide to give this glaze another try. Viola, we were really pleasantly surprised when the colour combinations did not turn out too shabby. Yet as fate will have it, it was not meant to be. It was not long after we heard this glaze was going to be phased out. In our last ditch attempt, we decided to make a few more laksa series wares with whatever little was left. A part of us finds it a pity that we will not be able to remake this series again. However, it was a good run while it lasted. Sometimes beautiful moments are those that are fleeting.
You can find out more about our wonderful collaborator, 2mamasandawok, here. They make delicious laksa rempeh and share creative recipes if you are looking for something apart from a spectacular bowl of laksa.